
Prof. Dr.Ir. Bustanul Arifin, M.Sc

Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

Bustanul Arifin is Professor of Agricultural Economics in the University of Lampung (UNILA), Senior Economist with the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), and Professorial Fellow in the School of Business at IPB University, Indonesia. He has over 35 year-experience on a comprehensive range of research in food and agricultural policy, institutional change, and sustainable development strategy. He earns a Ph.D. in resource economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (1995) and Sarjana in agricultural economics from IPB University (1985). He completed assignments as Visiting Professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2002-2003, Fulbright Fellow); University of Sydney, Australia (2007-2008, ALA Fellow), and University of Kentucky (2019-2020, SDID Fellow).
He currently contributes his expertise as President of the Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (PERHEPI), Chairman of Statistical Society Forum (FMS), Chairman of National Commission of Agricultural Extension (KPPN). He has served as Director of INDEF, Economic Adviser to the House of Representative (DPR-RI), Chairman of Expert Group of Food Security Council (DKP), and Member of the National Innovation Council (KIN). Arifin has published over 45 titles of books in agricultural economics and development issues, over 80 articles in scientific journals, presented over 100 papers in international conferences, and over 500 papers in national conferences in Indonesia. Arifin is a well-known analyst on economics and development issues for national television and radio stations, and has written about 1,000 op-ed articles and columns in magazines and newspapers