
Educational curriculum of this Master degree program is organized in Credit System. Total study load of this program are 38 - 44 credits including thesis for four academic semesters (2 years). Lectures and other academic activities are conducted with the guidance of qualified lecturers, and is held in the Graduate Building Building of Andalas University, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang.

Semester I: four compulsary subjects = 12 credits

  1. Research Methods (3 cr)
  2. Settlement and spatial planning (3 cr)
  3. Housing and Settlement policy (2 cr)
  4. Business of housing and settlement (3 cr)

Semester II: three compulsary and one elective subjects = 12 credits

  1. Facilities, infrastructures and utilities (3 cr)
  2. EIA of housing and settlement (3 cr)
  3. Housing and Settlement Contruction (2 cr)
  4. Elective subject (3 cr)

Semester III: one compulsary and two elective subjects = 7 credits

  1. Colloquium of research proposal (1 cr)
  2. 2 elective subjects (6 cr)

List of elective subjects:

  1. Dynamic of population and development (3 cr)
  2. Participtory Planning in Housing and Settlement Development (3 cr)
  3. Environmental Health and Safety (3 cr)
  4. Slum area management (3 cr)
  5. Financial Management of Housing and Settlement Development (3 cr)
  6. Housing and settlement management (3 cr)
  7. Agrarian Law in Housing and Settlement Development (3 cr)
  8. Studio (3 cr)

Semester IV: two compulsary subjects = 7 credits

  1. Seminar of thesis (1 cr)
  2. Thesis (6 cr)



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