Vission and Mission

  • Vision

In the year of 2025, becomes a leading educational institution of master degree in Indonesia which has great role in Academic Network at National and International level, especially in the processing aspect of biotechnology of natural resources and genetic resources of West Sumatra.


  • Mission
  1. Implementing three pillars of higher education in order to produce graduates who are intelligent, qualified, faithful and able to compete in the global era.
  2. Developing the educational program of biotechnology science that is suitable with the current and the future economic development through the application of advance technologies, especially for the tropical region of Sumatra.
  3. Focusing research on finding solution for the problem of utilization and conservation of tropical natural resources in the region, supported by the position of Sumatra that is located on the equator.
  4. Seeking technology transfer to the public who engaged in biotechnological practices in forms of the management, utilization and the preservation of genetic 
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