Hanung Ismono1,Fitriani2,Bustanul Arifin1 and Wan Abbas Zakaria1   

1Lampung University

2State Polytechnic of Lampung

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As well known, certification for agriculture commodities broadly develop recently in global market.  Global buyer strongly drives the market.  Certification is a part to fulfillspecific requirements for their global supply chain.  Environment, economic and social issue as sustainability development outlook usually becomes the basis principal in certification.  They determine specific requirements for their global supply chain, including in coffee.  Indonesia as 5th coffee producer in the world has been response the consequence.  Coffee certification introduced in Indonesia since 2007 initiated by global private sector.  This study was aims to know coffee farmer’s perspective in risk related with income household and certification view.  Survey approached trough 408 coffee farmers as respondent.   It was conducted in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province in 2012.  Method analysis was through by Chi-square and regression model. The result performed that coffee farmer’s perspective in risk significantly linked withcertainty in land property right, decreasing yield production, and environment condition.  Environment conditions were include land degradation, water quality, water shortage, and biodiversity loss.  In other side, the estimation of farmer profitability in coffee farming had been determined by coffee acreage, education, experiences, and the participation in certification scheme.


Key words: coffee, certification, risk, environment


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