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13 April 2018

Bersama ini disampaikan bahwa Universitas Andalas kembali mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menyelenggarakan program beasiswa Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggulan (PMDSU) batch IV pada tahun akademik 2018/2019 dari Ditjen Sumber Daya Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Pemdidikan Tinggi.

Untuk dapat melengkapi usulan penyelenggaraan PMDSU batch IV tersebut, bersama ini kami meminta kepada seluruh Dekan di lingkungan Universitas Andalas untuk dapat menyampaikan informasi ini kepada Bapak/ Ibu Dosen yang memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi calon Promotor bagi mahasiswa program PMDSU batch IV.

Sesuai dengan pedoman penyelenggaraan beasiswa PMDSU batch IV tahun 2018, syarat utama calon promotor PMDSU batch IV adalah :

  1. Memiliki rekam jejak (road map) Penelitian yang terkait dengan kompetensi Program Studi Magister dan Doktor (minimum akreditasi B) yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Andalas.
  2. Mempunyai H-index scopus ≥ 4 kecuali untuk bidang sosial, seni, humaniora
  3. Memiliki jabatan fungsional minimum lektor kepala dan bergelar doktor
  4. Berusia maksimal 66 tahun untuk Profesor dan 61 untuk Doktor
  5. Telah meluluskan minimal 3 mahasiswa program doktor dengan publikasi internasional bereputasi (baik sebagai promotor maupun ko-promotor)
  6. Jumlah bimbingan mahasiswa PMDSU yang masih aktif kurang dari 3 tiga mahasiswa (bagi promotor PMDSU batch sebelumnya)

Mengingat keterbatasan waktu yang diberikan untuk pengajuan proposal ini, maka bagi Bapak/Ibu yang bersedia menjadi calon promotor dan memenuhi syarat tersebut, diharapkan segera mengirimkan seluruh kelengkapan dokumen (terlampir) agar dapat diproses lebih lanjut kebagian akademik Pascasarjana Lt.1 (Sdri. Yelna) atau melalui email (Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.) cc (Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.) paling lambat Jumat, 13 April 2018

Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Kelengkapan dokumen yang harus dilengkapi calon promotor PMDSU batch IV :

  1. Biodata ringkas yang menunjukkan pengalaman penelitian, publikasi dan bimbingan program doktor (Download)
  2. Peta jalur pendidikan calon mahasiswa (Download)
  3. Roadmap riset calon promotor sebagai dasar menilai kesesuaian antara roadmap riset promotor dengan tema penelitian calon mahasiswa. 
04 April 2018

7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security
in conjunction with
3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions
“Sustainable Development: Global Challenges on Environmental Protection
and Social Justice”

Padang, Indonesia, October 29-30, 2018

Official Website : 

To provide a forum for international researchers, practitioners, public and private operators community to discuss, share and exchange their latest research and experience progress in relation with sustainable future issues.
To develop and promote a sustainable networking between participants to hold human securities and bridging ideas into policies and desired realities.
To broaden information access for scientific communities toward global scientific, technology and engineering societies.

Three main activities are proposed: International Conference, Networking and Cultural Program. In short, these activities are described as follows:
International Conference is an annual meeting to discuss, sharing idea and also exchange research achievements in the various fields of science, technology, engineering and art.
Networking, as part of the activities, the gathering is expected to be attended by various people from multidisciplinary backgrounds and various sectors not only academicians but also participants from business, international organization and government sectors around the globe.
Cultural Program, Padang is recognized as a region with unique preserved culture and life style, the program will introduce the unseen Padang and its unique culture.

The scope of SUSTAIN 2018 encompasses but is not limited to:

1. Energy and Environment (EnE)
• Renewable energy and energy efficiency
• Energy related biotechnology and nanotechnology
• Sustainable waste management
• Sustainable consumption and production
• Life cycle and environmental impact assessment
• Strategic environmental assessment
• Environmental pollution control

2. Sustainable Tropical Forest (STF)

• Community forest management
• Forest for water, food and energy
• Forest Biodiversity and ecosystem services
• Silvicultural technique for rehabilitation
• Sustainable timber and non-timber forest product
• Soil and water conservation
• Watershed management
• Wetland management

3. Sustainable Agriculture (SA)
• Food production system and technology
• Agriculture and food process engineering
• Precision Agriculture
• Information and communication technology in agriculture
• Micro-climate and environment control
• Technology for climate change mitigation and adaptation
• Integrated Pest management
• Nursery and breeding technology
• Agricultural biotechnology

4. Sustainable Built Environment (BE)
• Sustainable buildings and infrastructure
• Sustainable and community development
• Creative design and adaptability
• Transportation and logistics
• Regional/urban planning and design
• Construction management
• Heritage conservation
• Tourism development

5. Climate Change (CC)
• Biodiversity changes and scenarios
• Carbon cycle
• Hydrometeorological disaster
• Flood and drought caused by extreme weather
• Debris flow and sediment transport
• Community based disaster risk management
• Technology for disaster mitigation and prevention
• Surveillance and early warning systems

6. Social (SC)
• Democracy, democratization, and human security
• State and non-state actors in a changing World
• Memories and identities
• Sustainable development
• Local preservation
• Social resilience
• Social inclusiveness
• Peace, justice, and strong institution

Important Dates :

Call for paper : March 12, 2018
2nd Call for paper : April 12, 2018
Deadline for Extended Abstract : May 30, 2018
Notification of Acceptance : June 30, 2018
Submission for Full Paper : Agustus 30, 2018
Result of Full Paper Review : September 30, 2018

Registration :

Deadline of Payment : Agustus 29-30, 2018
Sustain Conference : October 29-30, 2018
Revised Full Paper Submission : November 30, 2018


02 April 2018

SK Mengajar Mata Kuliah Program S2 dan S3 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas Semester Genap 2017/2018 bisa unduh di sini 

02 April 2018

ARI Docs Viewer: ' Mengajar/semester genap 2017-2018.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.