
Educational curriculum of this Master degree program is organized in Credit System. Total study load of this program are 38 - 44 credits including thesis for four academic semesters (2 years). Lectures and other academic activities are conducted with the guidance of qualified lecturers, and are held in the Graduate Building Building of Andalas University Campus Unand Limau Manis Padang.

Semester I: four compulsary subjects = 12 credits

  1. Agroecology and Atmospheric Dynamic (3 cr)
  2. Sustainable Agricultural Development (3 cr)
  3. Germplasm Preservation (3 cr)
  4. Statistic of Environment (3 cr)

Semester II: four compulsary subjects = 12 credits

  1. Research Methods (3 cr)
  2. Management of Protected Areas (3 cr)
  3. Environmental Impact Analysis (3 cr)
  4. Utilization of Agroindustrial waste (3 cr)

Semester III: one compulsary subjects and two-four elective subjects = maks 13 credits

(a) one compulsary subjects

  1. Seminar of Research Proposal (Colloquium) (1 cr)

(b) two-four electives subjects = 6 – 12 credits

  1. Animal behaviour (3 cr)
  2. Environmental law (3 cr)
  3. Population and Environment (3 cr)
  4. Soil Science and the Environment(3 cr)
  5. Forest Management(3 cr)
  6. Water Resources Management (3 cr)
  7. Environmental Economics (3 cr)
  8. Population Dynamics (3 cr)
  9. Industrial Waste Control (3 cr)
  10. Alternative Energy Sources (3 cr)
  11. Freshwater Ecology (3 cr)
  12. Environmental Audit (3 cr)
  13. Management of Marine and Coastal Resources (3 cr)
  14. Land Degradation (3 cr)
  15. Environmental Ethics (3 cr)
  16. Air pollution (3 cr)
  17. Heavy Metal Pollution and Pesticides (3 cr)
  18. Environmental Toxicology (3 cr)
  19. Biology of Water Quality (3 cr)
  20. Environmental Sociology (3 cr)
  21. Project evaluation (3 cr)
  22. Biodiversity (3 cr)
  23. Operational Research (3 cr)

Semester IV: two compulsary subjects = 7 credits

  1. Seminar of thesis (1 cr)
  2. Thesis (6 cr)



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