Vission and Mission

  • Vision

Becoming a master's degree program in environmental sciences that is considered as a center of excellence at the national level.

  • Mission

Contributing to sustainable development through the provision of education, research and community service in the areas of:

  1. Management of agro ecosystem and freshwater ecosystem;
  2. Development of the utilization of alternative resources;
  3. Development of innovative thinking in environmental management policy


  • Objectives
  1. Conducting qualified magister education to produce superior environmental experts that able to solve environmental problems through interdisciplinary approach.
  2. Conducting research and dissemination of research results related to the protection, management and utilization of natural resources and the environment and the development of alternative resources.
  3. Facilitating community service activities in enhancing the capacity of stakeholders in the field of protection, management and utilization of natural resources and environment and development of alternative resources.


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