

Lecturer of Economic Faculty at Jambi University

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This study is the multicases study (survey and case study) that aimed to identify the model of partnership in plantation in Jambi province.  Analysis was performed on a variety of partnership executed, rules, interactions, benefits, constraints and problems in each partnership. It also conducted an analysis of the various factors supporting the formulation of effective partnerships especially in plantation covering institutional role of farmers and government policy on partnerships. There are three models of partnership that exists in the plantations in Jambi province that includes: PIR-Trans partnership, the KKPA partnership and the PIR Plantation Revitalization partnership. PIR Trans partnership is built based on the Inpres no. 1/1986 which explains that the PIR project is PIR project associated with transmigration program. While KPPA partnership model is based on a joint decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Cooperatives and Small Business Development No.73/Kpts/KB.510/2/1998 and No. 01/SKB/M/11/98. In partnership run through the provision of financing facilities provided by the government in the form of loans to cooperatives in this primary cooperatives to their members. While Plantation Revitalization partnership model builds upon the agricultural policy in 2006, and Minister of Finance policy No.  117/2006.  Partnership associated with plantation revitalization program, as well as KKPA model where land is also from the community by utilizing the credit facility. The third model is formal partnership where the rules in run partnership set out in a written contract in the form of a cooperative agreement. Generally, partnership has benefited the majority of farmers that include increased income, price certainty and transfer of technology. At an analysis of the institution, especially for farmer groups showed yet the role of institutional effectiveness of partnerships in promoting farmers have played. It is not in spite of the limited assistance and guidance provided by the government against the existing farmers' institutions. Government programs so far have not been able to encourage the development of the plantation business partnership program.

Keywords: partnerships, estates, institutional and policy


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